Server Info


  • local_parking Premium Points: 775
  • work Job skill points: 1103
  • person_add Skin Box: 379
  • format_bold Bugged Points: 38428
  • emoji_objects Special Object (laser): 21
  • directions_car Vehicle Box: 251
  • remove_circle Clear Warn: 9
  • remove_circle_outline Clear FP: 2
Giftbox-ul a fost deschis de 2200 ori de catre 774 playeri.

What's New


elwetto was uninvited by Bianca_ from faction School Instructors SF (rank 5) after 49 days, without FP. Reason: Demis la cerere! 2024-09-10 22:57:13


MaTTe0 TL. has joined the group San Fierro Police Department (invited by RMG_heavy). 2024-09-10 21:38:38


Ryak [R] has joined the group San Fierro Police Department (invited by RMG_heavy). 2024-09-10 21:06:26


Asu_ _crypto has joined the group San Fierro Police Department (invited by RMG_heavy). 2024-09-10 20:52:35


MaTTe0 was uninvited by Legalize from faction Paramedic Department (rank 5) after 44 days, without FP. Reason: Cerere de demisie. 2024-09-10 20:47:26


gigeldulap was uninvited by AdmBot from faction The Russian Mafia (rank 1) after 7 days, with FP. Reason: incomplete faction raport / banned - Cheats (aimbot) 2024-09-10 20:03:24


BoteXSJ was uninvited by AdmBot from faction San Fierro Paramedic Department (rank 4) after 49 days, without FP. Reason: incomplete faction raport 2024-09-10 20:03:13


dobsen. was uninvited by AdmBot from faction Taxi LS (rank 2) after 35 days, without FP. Reason: incomplete faction raport 2024-09-10 20:03:13


Mihai180 .Cross has joined the group San Fierro Paramedic Department (invited by cute.GeniusGuy). 2024-09-10 19:37:09


.HulK .goat has joined the group Taxi LV (invited by GoPro_Crips). 2024-09-10 18:24:32

Factions Without Leader

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